Over the next 12 months we’re going to be publishing short films, photo albums, papers and more for your enjoyment and edification. These posts are coming from a select group of artists but may be about any number of subjects said artists believe to be relevant. While the majority of the work will be film based, often it will be written or photographed so this website will be the place to check in with each Tuesday. We are (and intend to remain) platform independent, but actively encourage discussion on whichever medium you deem most accessible. We hope to cover some interesting topics this year, as well as push our own boundaries as working artists. Part of why we launched Season One was to force ourselves to constantly progress and continue to challenge ourselves, and we hope that by doing so we might challenge you as well. The depth and breadth of these weekly offerings will vary but every week we intend to be putting out something we personally find interesting or worth noticing and we look forward to sharing these things with you as time passes.
This week, OWL BOT Artist Chase Lock gives us a glimpse into the kind of work he does, as shot & cut by K. William McMillan.
Chase would rather his posts say nothing at all, so we’ll just say (for him) that this one came out real proper.
We’ll see you back here at the site next week when we head up North to see how Fine Jewelry is made with Natalie McMillan of Bumble & Bolt.